Opinion: Candace Owens insistence on Brigitte Macron’s gender reveals ugly truth
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in the following article belong solely to the author and do not reflect or represent Newsner. Politics is never an easy game. Through history and modern times, there are countless examples of how dirty things can get. Mudslinging and maligning your opposing candidate is an age-old tactic.
But what is currently happening between Candace Owen and Brigitte Macron seems almost incredulous. And all of this reveals something quite ugly that is taking place in society.
But in reality, who would not want to protect their name from being maligned in the media based on false narratives? The Macrons are taking legal action against what they deem libelous, as it is their legal right.
Candace Owens trying to hold a judgment in the court of public opinion, over a matter which does not concern her or the American public in the least, is honestly outrageous.
The American people have a lot of things they should be focusing on, but rather they are consumed by a futile and unfair ‘transvestigation’ into the French first lady. Perhaps, everyone’s time would be better spent focusing on domestic issues rather than importing fictitious problems from Europe.
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